Invite a Friend & You Get Up To €100

Unique Italian experiences!
Costs valid until April 1st, 2025
Costs, based on the option choosed, includes tuition, Accommodation, Meals, Transportation during the workshop.
Costs does not include: flights to/form Italy and transportation to/from airports or train stations to the location as well as everything which is not expressly indicated as “cost includes”.
Taxes and commission of 4% will be added to the final payment;
Invite Friends & second person Get Up To €100 (only on the option first - full payment)
Payment in full / one payment of which €500 are non- refundable.
OPTION 2 e 3:
Down payment €500, non - refundable to save your spot
First instalment due by March 1th, 2025
Second and final instalment strictly by April 1th, 2025
Taxes and commission of 4% will be added payment;
The workshop must be paid in full by April 1th, 2025 to attend
City taxes must be paied directly to the Hotel
Payments can be made:
through this website with Credit Card (see options on the ENROLL page
wire transfer at the following bank account:
BANK: Credite Agricole

IBAN: IT70R0623021500000041012855

Wire transfer description/reference: Roma workshop May 2025
For further information please contact:
The workshop requires a minimum number (6) of participants to operate. In circumstances where minimum numbers are not reached, the Opificio Voice & Craft reserves the rights to cancel the retreat. If the retreat is cancelled due to minimum participants’ numbers not being reached, participants will be provided with a full refund.
PAYMENT OF option1 - option 2 - option 3 registration fee must be paid in full upon enrolment within Apri1th, 2025. Cost does not include your flights to and from Italy and transportation from and/or to airports or train station to the location.
Our OPIFICIO workshop require a €500 non-refundable per person deposit. Payment in full is due by April1th, 2025 and is only-refundable at the following conditions:
€500 – non-refundable;
The amount paied refundable with the following cancellation penalty fee, which is due for the time and money spent in organising the WORKSHOP:
o 10% of the total amount paid, for any cancellation occurring before 60 days from the date of beginning of the workshop;
o 30% of the total amount paid for any cancellation occurring between 59 and 30 days before from the date of beginning of the workshop;
o 50% of the total amount paid for any cancellation occurring between 29 and 15 days before from the date of beginning of the workshop;
o 80% of the total amount paid for any cancellation occurring between 14 and 7 days before from the date of beginning of the workshop;
o 100% of the total amount paid for any cancellation occurring between 6 and 0 days before from the date of beginning of the retreat
Except as specified above, no further cancellation policy applies and there will be no exceptions for whatsoever reason. Therefore, Opificio Voice & Craft will not issue any refund for arriving late or leaving a trip early whether voluntary or caused by other circumstances.
This provision does not apply in case of force majeure events taking place at the destination or close by the destination. In such cases, at unquestionable choices of the organisers participants will be entitled to receive either (i) a refund or (ii) a voucher to be used for another retreat in a date within the next 12 (twelve) months.
Opificio Voice & Craft is not responsible for any participant’s expenses incurred due to travel delays, flight cancellations, or illness.
Opificio Voice & Craft assumes no financial responsibility for personal injury, emergency evacuation, or personal equipment lost or damaged in any way.
Opificio Voice & Craft reserves the right to alter the activities and/or the accommodation of its workshop to those advertised if necessary.
I have read and that I agree to the terms and conditions of my chosen payment plan and the payment agreement. Each person accepting this agreement will be obligated to the terms and conditions therein.
I am aware that pictures or videos of me may be taken during Workshop and may be printed out or posted on promotional materials or onto a website or used as promotional materials for future events. I hereby give my consent for the staff to use photo/video footage of me to promote the workshop in any publications including brochures, playbill, advertisements, websites and social media (including Tik-Tok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.). I have read the foregoing disclaimer and I agree to be bound by it.
Opificio Voice and Craft, its staff, and instructors are not responsible for and cannot be account responsible for any injury to me or to my child, whether based on allegations or not, in any way, by any reason of my participation during classes or experiences outdoor.
Opificio Voice and Craft, its staff, and instructors shall therefore be released by any liability to the extent allowed by the law. All participants shall be covered by their own insurance, and if any injury occurs it is understood that the participant is responsible for any and all medical costs.
The participant therefore declare to have a personal, valid, medical insurance.
In consideration of being allowed to participate to the workshop in Rome, I declare to have fully knowledge that my participation includes possible exposure to infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19 and to fall ill. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist.
Therefore, I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY DECLARE TO ASSUME, AS IA ACTUALLY ASSUME, ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my/my child's participation; and, I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation as regards protection against infectious diseases. If, however, I/my child observe any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from it and bring it to the attention of the staff immediately; and, I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Opificio and Grande Prato, and/or employees, other participants, (“RELEASEES”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.